Friday, June 26, 2009

A set schedule...

So far, my summer has involved a lot of scheduling. For a girl who has consistently lost her agenda every year from kindergarten up until first year law, it has been a bit taxing. The other day it took me six hours to make the good copy of the Orientation Schedule. I informed my boss that my poor scheduling and Excel skills had caused the law school to have to pay me over one hundred dollars to simply draft a schedule...I'm a slight deficit.

Lack of ability aside, it's not my work that's my biggest challenge. In fact, figuring out my course schedule for next year is going to take me longer than it would take me to master Excel (and I can barely turn on my computer at this point in the game). There are so many second and third year courses to take. There are clinics and "black letter law" courses and externships and social justice seminars and if you're reading this and are unsure of what these things mean don't be disheartened...we don't really know either! All I know is the other day I spent about four hours making my course schedule perfect (which obviously includes a weekday off), and then I looked at the exam schedule and had a conflict. It was only after a very large glass of wine that I could go back to the computer and try to remedy my mistake.

Which brings me to my next and wonderful point. As first year law students, your schedule will be made for you. When I first heard about this I was annoyed actually. I had been picking my own courses since grade 9; who was the law school to tell me what I should be taking?! Well, UBC Law and every other single law school in Canada has a set curriculum for first year law students. As aggravating as it was that the law school was forcing me, the BFA Major, to take contracts (which turned out to be my favourite class--thanks Professor Bakan), the set schedule is prettier than my favourite pair of Stuart Weitzmans. Instead of figuring out what goes where and when, you sit back, schedule in hand and waltz from class to perfectly scheduled class, while enjoying your Mondays off. If you're interested in your schedule and the first year core curriculum, all the information can be found right here:

I definitely encourage you to take a look at your schedule and the first year curriculum, so unlike me you can show up to Constitutional Law with a slight idea of what a constitution even is (or follow in my footsteps and don' was one of my highest marks...go figure!)

If you have any questions about your schedule, Orientation Week or UBC Law in general please don't hesitate to contact me at (604) 827-3552 or


  1. Is that Professor Bakan as in JOEL Bakan?? As in THE JOEL BAKAN?? Does he teach all the first years constitutional and contract law? That would be this law geek's dream come true... :D

  2. Haha! It is indeed THE JOEL BAKAN! He is an amazing prof. He is actually on sabbatical this upcoming year so he won't be teaching, but normally he does teach Constitutional Law and Contract Law. Don't worry though--you can take upper year courses with him in your second and third years.
