Monday, August 10, 2009

Summer sun something's begun...

Besides being my go-to karaoke song, "Summer Loving" from Grease is an apt title for this post because that is precisely what I'm doing right now, loving my summer. Not only do I get to look up drink specials at work (as part of my job--honest), it's allowed me the flexibility to go travel for a few weeks (well, that and my student loans...), which brings me to the real point of my post: summer jobs.

A lot of people start law school already stressed out about where they are going to work that summer. The first few weeks of September and the Career Services Office is teeming with first years wanting to know about summer positions. I'm no CSO expert (but don't worry--you'll meet the real experts during Orientation Week) but I can shed a little light on some of the opportunities that are open to first years for their summer jobs.

My job: my job is wonderful and I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone, but unfortunately there's only one job, so I can't really go about doing that. If you love to plan events, enjoy working with people and have lots of energy it may be perfect for you. This year there were two other jobs open at the faculty--Student Services Assistant and Careers Services Assistant, but this may change from year to year. If you do get the opportunity, definitely apply for these jobs as they're fun and allow you to get to know the faculty and staff in a different capacity.

Research Assistants: lots of professors are working on projects and research and many need research assistants. These jobs are often posted on the Career Services website or can be established in a more casual capacity by going and talking to a professor whose area of interest aligns with your own.

Fellowships: a few law firms offer fellowships where students get to work alongside a professor and become immersed in his/her research.

LSLAP: Law Students Legal Advice Program offers around 20 full-time summer jobs. These jobs are obtained in a job-draw usually held around early April. You get ballots for the job draw by volunteering with LSLAP throughout the year. LSLAP summer students almost always get to go to court and get a lot of first hand experience with real legal issues...and there's also a great camping trip involved...

ProBono, Canadian Journal of Family Law, Law Revue: are some other student organizations that offer summer positions. Again, these positions may be obtained by general job postings OR from students volunteering with these organizations throughout the school year and then being a priority for any summer job that comes up.

Summer jobs are really the least of your worries right now as a soon-to-be 1L, but if you want more information our amazing Career Services office has lots of info on their website or in person:

If you have any questions about drink specials, orientation week or anything else for that matter give me a call (604) 827-3552 or email:

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